Behaviour Correction

'Bad Behaviour' usually happens...

…when there is something missing from a dog’s life to fulfil it.

Sound Familiar?

Understanding why you’re dogs behave this way and their weird habits isn’t always easy, so dealing with their with problem behaviours can sometimes feel like a losing battle.

What was meant to be a great new addition to the family has turned out to be a nightmare leaving everyone feeling frustrated and disappointed with the experience.

Our Service

Behaviour Correction is a one to one service

The assessment and training takes place in their territory (at your home and around your local area). The behaviour correction starts when you open your front door to us. We use energy and body language to put us in a higher position and using and practicing the techniques you will learn to let them know that bad behaviour won’t be allowed.

During the assessment we look at the dogs behaviour, their physical health, nutrition, exercise route, previous experiences and environmental stresses to get the full picture of their daily life.

And then the training begins…

Dog Psychology

Dog Psychology (which is simple for them to follow as it is their natural laws) will help you understand what triggers the behaviour.

Behaviour Correction

We have a host of Behaviour Correction techniques to stop the behaviour or replace it with a positive one.

Reward based

Promoting Reward Based Positive Reinforcement and repetition ensures the behaviour never returns.

How do I correct

Classic problems

Just some of the things we see again and again…..

  • Having to avoid difficult situations?

    I have to walk at times I know nobody is around, he’s so good in the house but as soon as we go outside he just changes...

  • Lack of recall

    I get so frustrated!! He just won’t come back when I call him

  • Behaviour with different people

    Nobody can go near my wife, even the kids, and if she goes out, the dog won’t stop barking or destroying anything in sight

‘Bad Behaviour’ usually happens when there is something missing from the dogs life to fulfil it

"Bad Behaviour usually happens when there is something missing from a dog's life to fulfil it"

- Kenny Martin

The relationship with your dog should enrich your life

You will receive a Personalised dog training plan to fit your Goals, Lifestyle and Environment.

We will guide you on how to build the connection with your dog. Build confidence and resilience in both you and your dog.

You will Learn:

  • What their behaviour means.
  • How to overcome their unwanted behaviour.
  • How people in the dogs life can contribute to the dogs behaviour (Human Training)
  • What are Rule, Boundaries and Limitations and how and why to set them.
  • Problem Solving for the future

Call today and take the first steps in becoming the Pack Leader for your dog!

Our Aftercare Package

There are no age or breed restrictions with this service. We believe everyone should have access to this service to enjoy the dog you have always wanted

  • Telephone/Video call appointments for additional help and advice.
  • Access to other Classes and Individual Training.
  • Access to Play and Board services.
  • Access to Training Videos
  • Access to PDF information on ‘Everything Dog’.

Call today and take the first steps in becoming the Pack Leader for your dog!